Student Life

Clubs & Activities

Here, when classes are done, you’ll spend the afternoon diving into the things you love, whether sports, arts, or more than 30 student organizations and activities. 学生俱乐部是你尝试新事物或与分享你兴趣的人联系的好方法. And because they’re run by you and your classmates, clubs are also a great way for you to build leadership skills.

List of 18 items.

  • Ambassadors

    学生大使与招生办公室一起工作,更好地告知未来的学生(和家庭成员),圣. Timothy’s so special. 他们不仅负责学校的日常参观,还帮助组织开放日和其他特别活动.
  • American Sign Language Club

    The American Sign Language (ASL) Club at St. Timothy’s strives to create an engaging, fun, 为有兴趣学习美国手语基础知识和实践的学生提供丰富的教学环境, while simultaneously learning about Deaf culture and history.  
  • Baltimore Girls Schools Coalition (BGSLC)

    A select number of girls from the Fours, Fixes, and Sixes class are accepted into the BGSLC, which is a prestigious coalition of girls’ schools in the Baltimore area, including Bryn Mawr, Roland Park, Garrison Forest, and St. Paul’s School for Girls. 该联盟每年召开四次会议,并在冬季闭会,讨论影响现在和未来女性领导力的相关问题.
  • Black Awareness Club (BAC)

    BAC(黑人意识俱乐部)的成立是为了强调散居在外的非洲人所面临的问题,同时也帮助讲述校园里的黑人历史. BAC负责每年的马丁·路德·金日全天的演讲以及2月份(黑人历史月)的大量活动和教育项目。. St. 蒂莫西的BAC欢迎所有背景的成员,并尊重俱乐部和整个圣. Timothy's community and desires for all people's stories to be told. 
  • Entrepreneurship Club

    创业俱乐部致力于鼓励St. Timothy's students. 
  • Equestrian Club

    马术俱乐部通过马术教育在马术项目和一般校园之间起着桥梁的作用, community service, sportsmanship, and ambassadorship. Members perform duties to learn about show management. They attend equine related events to give them a broader experience, represent the riding program to non-riding students, help fundraise to benefit the program, and act as community representatives of St. 蒂莫西通过慈善服务和示范模范的体育精神.
  • Future Alumnae Leadership Council (FALC)

    The Future Alumnae Leadership Council educates and prepares St. 蒂莫西的学生为未来的领导角色,并给他们机会与学校管理人员和校友领袖互动.
  • Girl Up

    Girl Up是一个致力于讨论和提高对世界各地女孩和妇女赋权问题的认识的俱乐部. 如果你喜欢了解并为改善当地和全球范围内女孩和妇女所面临的状况而努力, this club is for you!
  • Handbell Choir

    The St. 蒂莫西的四个半八度英语手铃合唱团是一个悠久的传统,是彩票平台大全的一部分. The Bell Choir performs on and off campus throughout the year at events such as the annual Lessons and Carols holiday program; our Cum Laude Society induction in the spring; and at Commencement every June.
    When the audience hears these beautiful hand cast bells, 他们被他们闪闪发光的音调和14个女孩的紧密配合所吸引,她们把许多铃铛融合成一个声音. 十大网络彩票平台大全这一套最古老的钟是由英国的白教堂钟铸造厂制造的, a company that has existed for more than 300 years. Whitechapel cast the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, the famous Big Ben in London, 以及为庆祝2012年伦敦夏季奥运会开幕而敲响的钟.

    In their IB journals, 学生们经常反思他们在一起完成具有挑战性的作品时所感受到的同志情谊和乐趣. 手铃合唱团的成员经常建立密切的联系和持久的友谊. 一些学生继续在大学和/或当地教堂的钟唱诗班表演.
  • Interfaith Club

    St. 蒂莫西的女孩来自世界各地,有着不同的宗教背景. The Interfaith Club's mission is to learn and celebrate these faiths. 俱乐部每周开会讨论和计划庆祝宗教节日的正式晚宴, Chapel services, and special events such as the annual Lessons and Carols holiday program.
  • International Club

    The International Club celebrates cultural diversity at St. Timothy’s. Not only does the group discuss the various cultures represented at St. Timothy’s, but they also explore the traditions of other cultures as well. The club hosts the International Festival during Family Weekend. 他们全年都在策划特别的正式晚宴,突出十大网络彩票平台大全社区中代表不同文化的美食.
  • Model United Nations

    每年,世界各地的高中生都会参加各种模拟联合国项目. 所有计划的使命都是增进国际间的了解,并在潜在的国家和国际领导人之间发展和平谈判的艺术. 项目参与者被分配到一个国家,他们将代表这个国家参加模拟的联合国大会会议. 主办模拟联合国会议的组织确定了几个国际政治问题. 与会者开会、召开核心会议、准备政策文件、辩论问题、起草决议并对其进行表决.
  • Moongates

    The Moongates is the St. Timothy’s School a cappella group. The group performs at major events throughout the year, including Family Weekend, Lessons and Carols, Commencement and Reunion Weekend, and the International Fashion Show of Wearable Art.
  • Music Club

    The Music Club allows St. Timothy's students to explore and show off their musical talents.
  • Photography & Film

    摄影和电影俱乐部把对电影和摄影有共同兴趣的学生聚集在一起. 学生们聚集在一起练习他们的手艺,并把十大网络彩票平台大全美丽的校园作为他们的工作室!
  • Social Justice Dialogue Club

    社会正义对话俱乐部为学生提供了一个跨越观点和身份差异的空间,探讨发生在美国和全球的社会正义问题. 社会正义对话俱乐部欢迎所有背景的成员加入讨论. 
  • STEM Club

    The STEM Club is engaged in a variety of activities this year. 十大网络彩票平台大全有学生学习SWIFT编码语言的目标,使在应用商店的应用程序. 十大网络彩票平台大全也有一群学生以创造性的方式从事3D打印设计. 另一个小组正在研究如何让机器人执行各种活动. 还有一群人正在学习国际象棋背后的逻辑和批判性思维. We also have various activities planned throughout the year, like math competitions, breakout boxes, electronic circuit greeting cards, and other STEM-related projects.
  • Yearbook

    年鉴工作人员全年孜孜不倦地收集图片,整理出一本精彩的圣. Timothy's experience for girls to take home and cherish forever.
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